Crossroad Closed for Memorial Day

All Crossroad sites will be closed Monday, May 27, in honor of Memorial Day. We will have Saturday morning hours as usual on May 25 at our Harrison office. Our after-hours lines are open 24/7: OTR – 513-381-2247; Western Hills – 513-922-4271 and Harrison – 513-367-5888.

As you enjoy your long weekend, please take a moment to remember the reason for this holiday. Crossroad RN and proud veteran Bob Meyung shares these thoughts:

When we gather this weekend with friends and family, let us remember all the men and women who have fought and lost their lives to gain and maintain our freedom. So when you sit down to enjoy your hot dog, hamburger, mett or brat, take a moment to reflect why, and who, you are celebrating. Say a prayer for the fallen and their families as this holiday is not a joyful one for everyone, but one of contemplation and sadness for many. May God bless each and every one of you and your families this holiday.