Help Us Be Even Better! Share Your Opinion with Crossroad

Help Us Be Even Better! Share Your Opinion with Crossroad

If you are a patient – or a family member of a patient – we want to hear from you!

At Crossroad, we’re committed to creating an environment where the best outcomes for patients and their families guide all our decisions. To help us improve our services, we’re forming a special group of patients and/or their family members. This group, known as the Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC):

• Makes an impact by sharing ideas on how we can improve the patient experience.
• Meets for 1 hour every month at the office
• Receives $20 gift card at each meeting for your time

Here’s how past Patient Advisors have improved Crossroad:

• Added children’s programming on the television at our Harrison office
• Created signage showing wait times to see providers at our West and OTR offices
• Created a lobby prayer space at OTR

If you are a Crossroad patient or family member of a patient, and are interested in participating, please call Cassie Lewis at 513-632-6126. Thank you!